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      About Nenad Porges ...

Nenad Porges 2

born : Zagreb, 1946

Mr. Nenad Porges is the new Minister Counselor (DCM).
Prior to joining the Embassy in Washington, Mr. Porges served as Adviser to the Prime Minister for two years.
He received his degrees from the University of Zagreb (a bachelors degree in economics and a masters degree in marketing).
He was a lecturer in marketing and management in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb.
Prior to his post as Adviser to the Prime Minister, Mr. Porges served as Deputy Minister of Economy.
He has also worked on a number of marketing research projects and published numerous papers.

Source : U.S. embassy news 8/22/95

Nenad Porges (born 27 December 1946 in Zagreb, Croatia) is a Croatian politician,
businessman, entrepreneur and former Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship.

Porges was born in Zagreb to a Jewish family who came to Zagreb from Vienna and Bratislava. 
His paternal grandparents were killed during the Holocaust by the SS Prinz Eugen Division, while his father's life was spared due to a fact that he was an essential worker for the Third Reich.
Porges received his degrees from the University of Zagreb (a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in marketing) and was a lecturer in marketing and management in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb.
He was the president of the Jewish community of Zagreb until 1993, when he retired from the position. 
Porges remains a member, though inactive, of the Jewish community in Zagreb.

As a president of the Jewish community Zagreb, Porges was a strong advocate of Croatian independence. 
He directed a letter to the World Jewish Congress and all affiliated Jewish organizations and institutions with the title ; "Appeal to our Jewish brothers and sisters".
In the letter he appealed for the recognition of Croatia and support in the Croatian War for Independence which was fought "against a brutal military force led by the Yugoslav Army"
He served as adviser to the Prime Minister for two years.
Prior to his post as adviser to the Prime Minister, Porges served as Deputy Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship.
In 1997 he became the Minister of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship in the Croatian Government. 
He has also worked on a number of marketing research projects and published numerous papers.
In 2005 Porges was named among the one thousand most influential Croatians. 
After Croatian independence Porges helped to revive Freemasonry in the country.

Nenad Porges

Nenad Porges                    Nenad Porges                 Nenad Porges


Appeal to our Jewish brothers and sisters

Zagreb, 7th October 1991
To the World Jewish Congress,
European Jewish Congress,
National and International Jewish Organizations,
Members of the World Jewish
Congress and all Affiliated Organizations and Institutions


Members of the Council of the Jewish Community in Zagreb,
Representatives of this two hundred years old Jewish Community,
and in the name of another eight Jewish Communities in Croatia - Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik, Virovitica, Cakovece, Slavonski Brod and Daruvar that have existed here for centuries
Note with sadness, dismay and indignation :

  • that the Republic of Croatia, whose citizens we are, is being attacked by a brutal military force led by the Yugoslav Army;
  • that the innocent civilian population is being indiscriminately killed by armed forces on the ground, from the air and from the sea and that by 7th October 1991 at least 700 civilians had been killed and at least 2,000 wounded ;
  • that over two hundred thousand refugees had left their homes and everything they had achieved in their lives ;
  • that severe physical, psychological and economic suffering has been imposed on all the citizens of the Republic of Croatia, regardless of their nationality, race, color, creed or political belief ;
  • that, contrary to international humanitarian laws, these military forces are indiscriminantly destroying hospitals, kindergartens, old people's homes, schools and other institution of social care ;
  • that hundreds of cultural and historical monuments of the highest category, including churches, monasteries, libraries, cemeteries and Jewish monuments of culture are being severely damaged or completely destroyed, regardless of local or international laws and protection - the latest example is the city of Dubrovnik where the second oldest European synagogue stands ;
  • that the Jews in Croatia and their institutions, their communal and private property are similarly suffering from the same threats and that the destruction of Croatia, its cities and villages may bring to an end the history of this Jewish community which has lived on this soil from ancient times.

Furthermore, we record :

  • that the Jewish Community in Zagreb, after the antisemitic terrorist attack by a still unknown person or group on its Community Center and cemetery on 19th August 1991, received wide public support and expressions of compassion and outrage, as well as all necessary practical support and protection, from our fellow-citizens, other religious communities, numerous political parties, public institutions, the Town Hall of Zagreb and the Government of Croatia ;
  • that although the present Government of Croatia has arbitrarily been depicted as antisemitic or neo-Fascist, the Jewish Community in Croatia enjoys all the rights of a religious or national minority without hindrance or discrimination ;
  • that the Government of Croatia has publicly denounced and condemned all neo-Fascist and extremist ideologies and organizations that threaten the democratic system in Croatia and its citizens and resolved to undertake all necessary legal steps to prevent the spread of such dangers.

We express our fullest support for the efforts and declared policy of the Government of the Republic of Croatia in building a new and democratic society in which the human, political, civil, national and religious rights of every citizen and group will be protected.

We note with great sorrow that, due to the ongoing war, all our practical connections with our Jewish brothers and sisters in other Republics of Yugoslavia* have been broken and we express our deepest concern for their security and survival; we express our full solidarity with them as well.

We urge every person and institution in Yugoslavia* that cherishes human life, dignity and freedom to act against the aggression on the population of the Republic of Croatia and in any other parts of Yugoslavia*.

We specially call upon all our fraternal Jewish organizations and individuals around the world and the general public abroad to impress upon their governments and international organizations the need for an immediate peace in Croatia based on the protection of human life.

We will never forget how our Jewish people was exterminated in the Second World War before the eyes of the whole world, which watched our tragedy in silence and indifference. We do not want this tragic lesson of history to be repeated.

For the Council of the Jewish Community in Zagreb

Nenad Porges, M.A.

*former Yugoslavia (D.Z.)

Source : http://mirror.veus.hr/darko/etf/jew.html



ZAGREB, May 26, 1998(Hina)

Croatia's Economy Minister Nenad Porges, who is on a working visit to Washington, on Tuesday met the President of the Jewish world organisation B'Nai B'Rith, Tommy Baer, Director of the organisation's Department for International Relations, George Spectre, and the Foreign Affairs Director of the US Holocaust Museum, Ralf Grunewald, a statement from the Croatian Economy Ministry said.

The meeting focused on the upcoming trial of Dinko Sakic, who is accused of being responsible for the death of numerous Jews during World War II in the Jasenovac concentration camp, where he was commander.

Sakic, who is living in Argentina, is soon to be extradited to Croatia.

The high officials also discussed the procedure of declaring the late Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac "Righteous Among Nations" - a person who, risking his own life, saved many Jews during World War II, the statement said.

Croatia has been successfully cooperating with B'Nai B'Rith and the Holocaust Museum since the establishment of its independence.



by Nenad Porges
Minister of the Economy of the Republic of Croatia

Croatian Government clearly outlined the development strategy
A 5-percent growth of production in 1997
What is important is whether firms are successful and profitable, not are they small or big
In CEFTA and WTO by the end of 1998

Croatia is open for co-operation to all countries, but on clear economic principles.

• Does Croatia have a development strategy?

  • There is a series of papers, such as the Letter on Development Policy with its clearly emphasized Croatia's future performances - from macro-economic ones to priorities in specific sectors, priorities in restructuring and development. If we speak of sustainable growth within the BDP rates of over seven percent, if we speak of budget deficit within the range imposed by Maastricht, if we speak of directions of privatization of as yet not privatized sectors such as postal service or INA, if we outline regional development - what is all that if not guidelines of this government for the directions of development? "(...) The speed and stage of restructuring influence the production growth; some firms made a halt, some are too big, in others the state still has a dominant role (...)"

• You announced focusing on production, exports, development, how will all this be accomplished? Is this in accordance with the existing strategy?

  • Positive shifts in production are already happening. I think that awakening of production is evident, after all it amounted to 3.1% in 1996 and to more than five percent this year, these being significant shifts compared to the falls in wartime years. True, there are great differences between sectors, basic chemical industry is still stagnating, there are sectors with negative trends. However, shipbuilding industry (five major shipyards) has in its order books contracts for 45 ships to be delivered until 2001, worth USD 1.2bn. Production of machinery and equipment also shows some signs of revival, although it is hard to measure on the sector level since there are great differences between individual firms within the sector. The speed and stage of restructuring influence the production growth; some firms made a halt, some are too big, in others the state still has a dominant role, for example through the Privatization Fund or Pension Fund, being thus partially responsible for the pace of their restructuring. In food-processing industry there are also positive shifts. However, it is crucial to continue fast restructuring and privatization and disburdening of economy, and to maintain a stable macro-economic environment. "(...) Certain big firms will have to undertake a "reducing diet" (...)"

• Do small and medium firms represent a key element in the further development and are they a strategic Croatian choice?

  • This government, as well as former governments, keeps pointing out that whether firms are successful and profitable or not, and only after that are they small or big. However, the fact is that small and medium entrepreneurship is extremely suitable for logical and gradual development of entrepreneurial spirit. No small and medium firm can survive without a support of big mainstream companies. The small and the medium are naturally sub-contractors and sub-suppliers for strong bigger firms. Certain big firms will have to undertake a "reducing diet", but they are necessary to maintain the chain in which there are also small and medium firms. "(...) After newly established understanding between the Republic of Croatia and the United States of America I have no doubts whatsoever that the United States Trade Negotiators Office (USTR) will receive adequate signals from the State Department and the White House. (...)"

• Where does Croatia stand in relation to the associations such as CEFTA and WTO?

- Far from and close to them at the same time. A few days ago we completed the third round of negotiations with Slovenia, expecting to finish them by the beginning of 1998. With Poland, we are advancing pretty well, with Romania we are to start negotiations next month. As for Hungary, negotiations are somewhat slower, as in the case of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Since Slovakia and the Czech Republic are in the customs union, this is a limiting factor preventing our faster negotiations with one or the other of them. Still, everything will be completed by mid-1998.

Regarding the World Trade Organization, the situation is good, we held talks on the level of work group. We already answered questions posed in July. It depends now on the Secretariat in Geneva when the next multilateral meeting will be held within the work group. After newly established understanding between the Republic of Croatia and the United States of America I have no doubts whatsoever that the United States Trade Negotiator's Office (USTR) will receive adequate signals from the State Department and the White House. "(...) I would like to emphasize that Croatia agrees to every project congruent with its interests. It is also actively supporting everything that enables better movements of goods, labour, and capital in the global market (...)"

• How much is Croatia interested in "southern integration", the SECI, too?

- Croatia is interested in them, but there is a certain set of priorities and sequence of moves. We are considering also the Danube initiative and the Black Sea one, we participate in all the developments in the Mediterranean. Diplomatic visits on the relation Turkey - Croatia are to be understood also in their economic and not only political aspects. Croatia defines itself as a Central European and a Mediterranean country. After all, it has no reason to run away from its Mediterranean character. I would like to emphasize that Croatia agrees to every project congruent with its interests. It is also actively supporting everything that enables better movements of goods, labor, and capital in the global market. Croatia is consistent in its attitude also in relation to the SECI. Namely, it is an active participant, but cautious as far as organizational instrumentalization of the SECI is concerned, not being interested in formal membership. Indeed, we are interested in clear projects where stakes and profits are known.


Nenad Porges 1Ministar gospodarstva (travanj 1997.-)


Diplomirao vanjsku trgovinu na Sveuãili‰tu u Zagrebu, magistrirao marketing na Ekonomskom fakultetu.

Politiãka karijera:
1993. zamjenik ministra gospodarstva.
1993-95. savjetnik predsjednika Vlade.
1995-97. ministar savjetnik i zamjenik voditelja misije u Veleposlanstvu RH u SAD. Imenovan ministrom gosodarstva u travnju 1997.
âlan Hrvatske demokratske zajednice (HDZ).

Profesionalna karijera:
1974-89. zaposlen u Centru za marketing.
1989-93. direktor Centra za marketing.
1985-93. predavaã na specijalistiãkom poslijediplomskom studiju marketinga i poslovodstva na

Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu.
1994-95. ãlan Odbora za brodogradnju VRH, Vijeça za telekomunikacije Sabora RH, Nadzornog odbora
Ureda za osiguranje izvoza od nekomercijalnih rizika, radne grupe GATT/WTO.
